Friday 12 April 2013

Obstacles and disruptions during filming

While filming we did come across some disruptions or issues which did affect our first initial ideas for the film. It meant that because of some of the disruptions that we had to change what we were originally thinking of doing for certain scenes, at times we had to re-shoot some of the angles and movements that we used with the camera etc...

Here are some of the issues that we as a group came across:


By staff we mean staff at the harvester which is where our film is set. One of our main scenes was going to be placed in the office of the harvester to make the scene feel more professional and realistic for the viewers. However, there was the problem that the staff did often come upstairs to use the office for their work so unfortunately we had the problem of having to wait for them to finish what they needed to do before we could film again, meaning stop and starting the filming. This effected time for shooting which we found was a massive issue that we had to in some way overcome if we wanted to carry on with the film.


Along the same lines of people walking through the filming and getting in the way, as we were filming at group members house, her siblings were very intrigued into what we were doing and what to be a part of it just as much as the rest of us, meaning one of us having to keep trying to get them out of the way and occupied. Another issue we cam across with the children is that while filming the scene in a bedroom, the children were in the bedroom next door which was easily picked up on the camera, to try and overcome this issue we tried removing the children from the bedroom next door and taking them somewhere where the noises they were making wouldn't get picked up on the camera and eventually we managed to sort things out and carry on with what we needed to do.


When we were discussing where is was that we needed to film and what worked best we thought that the main hallway in the upstairs would work well for the main ending scene. However, because the hall way is used by all the harvester staff constantly, the floor had started to make a creaking sound as you walked on it, and unfortunately it wasn't a little creaking sound either, it was clearly picked up on camera and sometimes it even went over the dialogue which caused a great deal of problems. We tried walking around the creaking parts of the flooring but it didn't seem to do us any favours, in the end we decided that actually we didn't need the dialogue and to just have music playing over film instead, the only piece of dialogue that we would be using would be at the end when one of the characters would have one line to say.

Now lighting is an issue that most people come across if they are filming a video or making a production, it was definitely something that our group were faced with quite a few times in the process of making our film. There was the incidental lighting we used as some of the lights were dimming lights, so while editing we did spot that sometimes the light was always at the same brightness throughout the whole thing. Also the natural light coming from outside was a major problem at stages during the production, we noticed that while filming the office scene that it was quite dark outside, whereas when filming in the bedroom it was bright daylight outside, so some changes had to be made there where we had to re-film certain scenes but as a group we managed to work through those issues.

With the make-up the issue that we had was that the person who created the make-up for our antagonist wasn't always able to apply the look whenever we needed her. So in that sense we had to work around when she was free and able to work with us. Fortunately she was very flexible and was able to work at times that was also good for our group, but by Nelly (make-up artist) not always being able to be there to do the make up for us we decided to get all of the parts where you could see the make-up in the film done and out of the way so that we new all we had to do was edit and put everything together.

When you first see 'Nina Wards' character you see her case file picture, in the picture it is supposed to be her from when she had the accident but had started to heal and recover from what had happened. For this make-up we did one whole side of her face severely distorted and severely bruised to show that she has been in a serious accident but was slowly starting to recover. All of the other times through-out the opening sequence when you see the antagonists character her face will be as if she has just come out of the accident, meaning that her face is very bloody and burnt, giving it a sinister effect 


By space we mean that sometimes when were in certain rooms (bedroom), that it was at times a bit tight when it came to fitting everybody into the shot or being able to stand behind the camera so that we could see what we were doing, which meant that someone had to keep going back and forth to see if the camera was at the right angle and the lighting was appropriate for the scene. Fortunately it was only really the bedroom that we had the space issue with, everywhere else in the harvester ha plenty of space for us to use for whatever we needed to complete our film.

The four of us as a group all worked together and came up with ideas to overcome these problems that we were faced with.


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