Monday 11 February 2013

Final Presentation


We presented this presentation to our class peers and teacher as our final ideas for our opening sequence. We recieved a fair amount of feedback on the number of things that can be imrpoved and changed or added  and that are good within our sequence here is some of the construstive critisisms we got:
- One question was asked towards the availability of our location, school is one of the places we will be filming some of the scenes, the availbilty of class rooms may be a problem along with the time of day we film, the lighting will be different at the time of 11 oclock compared to after school. But to overcome this we have decided to stick to filming after school in order to maintain consistency. This is the same with the location of the hospital we have to ensure that the timings are not affecting the mis-en-scene of the sequence.
- Another problem was maintaining continuity, between the scenes of school, hospital and any other locations, failure of this may lead to the audience getting confused and the sequence failing to flow smoothly. In order to avoid this we will have to perform test shots to see how well the transitions will work, if they dont then we will have to stick to one location and plan around that.
- As our narrative was so detailed that we were unable to explain what parts we wanted to include into our opening sequence, therefore we will have to sit together and plan through what scenes we have to include and the scenes we will have to leave out.
- One of the things that worked well was our title. ' the unseen case' there was a good response to the title of the film and was favoured by our peers as a good name to support the film.
- Our teacher also commented on how she liked the fact we had included the films that had inspired us to come up with our narrative.
- Another positive was our character role. Our characters were well planed out and clear as to whp is doing what role.

In conlcusion the response to our presentation was positive and we have had a lot of constructive feed back that we will keep in mind in order to produce a successful opening sequence.

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