Friday 1 February 2013

Past Student Work Analysis - Group 3

Windsor Girls - Group 3

Micro areas:

The opening sequence begins with an establishing shot, which portrays a clear analysis of the setting and atmosphere. From this shot the audience can see it is set in a public playground for children and is going to be related to an incident occuring with a child. Furthermore, the sevral close up's of the kidnappers face allows us to establish his emotions and his appearance. Also from this shot the audience can conquer the males intentions as he in his early 30's seems rather peodophilic.

Editing: The editting technique featured within this opening sequence provides some elements of continuity as it attempts to lead one action to another. It also gradually helps to build the suspense, based on the psychological thriller conventions. The most effective editting technique used in this sequence would be jump cut from the playground scene to the guardian of the child attempting to to find the first aid kit. This creates irony as she attempts to rescue the child by healing her cuts, however her attempt in unsuccessful as the antagonist takes the girl away.

Mis-en-scene: Casual/formal clothing and  a public location aids versimilitude and formalism to the opening sequence. The uneasy body language of all characters portrays their different emotions. Props such as the first aid kid, the car and the newspaper are apart of everyday life therefore, are successful in this circumstance as they create mysteriousness and contradiction between the two actions taking place.  

Sound: Non diagetic sound has been used throughout this opening sequence. The Non diagetic music helps to reinforce the narrative as it creates a dangerous mood in a safe enviroment. In addition, it fits in with the phycological genre. Shot gun sounds illustrate exageration upon the antogonists silent behaviour, and his actions.The use of Non diagetic music excludes versimilitude as an unrealistic atmosphere is created.

What do you think was good? Camera technique and editorial techniques were rather effective as they helped the opening sequence flow smoothly. More so over, makeup and constume of the male character was rather impressive as it contradicted his real intentions. Sound also complimented the narrative in many ways as it created an contradiction between the setting and atmosphere.
I would award this opening sequence a level 3.
What needs improving? A lacking element within the opening sequence is the level of continuity. Continuity is not portrayed effectively due to the editting skills used. so this would be a factor or concentration in improvement. Furthermore, the male characters body language did not successfully illustrate the emotions and characteristics of a peadophile, therefore this would be another area of concentration for improvement.

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