Wednesday 6 March 2013


Location is an important factor contributing to the success of ones film as it is effective in creating an appropriate atmosphere and mood regarding the narrative.
Corridors are usually associated with sinister emotions and dangerous happenings. This is why we decided and agreed to have our ending scene take place here. This corridor gives a feel of being in a private mental asylum were everything is un-kept and rather provoking. It also relates to are narrative and thriller conventions, raising enigma as well as suspense.

Behind these closed doors we will create sinister sounds that will imply that there are patients behind every door, this will give it a spooky effect and create a nail biting suspense as to what will happen next or as to who is behind the door.

Windows are commonly associated with lack of freedom or a passage to freedom. We have identified this theme and included it into our narrative as the asylum patients are deprived of their freedom as they are confined to a isolated room. The bars on this specif window are a symbol of loneliness and danger, possibly inflicted by the patients. Their mental state is understood by the illustration of these barriers and tampered scenery.

Using the security camera we will create a scene that will kick off the suspense and the thriller aspect to the sequence, as the main character will be seen by the audience but not the protagonist. By using this we will try to create a suspense that may match the level of a professional production. 

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