Monday 4 March 2013

Title Effects Ideas

As a group we decided to pu the title at the end of the 2 minute opening sequence so that the audience can get into the film better.

We looked at films that had a story line similiar to ours or any psychological thriller films whos titles stood out to us more than others. After looking at many different opening titles we found one that we wanted to base ours on, and that is the 'paranormal activity' title...

This is because the title is nothing big and colourful or anything that jumps out at you, instead it is more of bright writing that looks like it has been filmed with a home hand-held camara to give it more of a realistic effect. The makers of the title added an effect where the title jumps as if there is something wrong with the camera or like something is happening.

We as a group think this would work well with the initial idea of our opening sequence, this is because at one point in the film there will be a part where the audience will be looking at a security camera where something spooky happens, it is also one of the first major jumps of the sequence.

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