Wednesday 6 March 2013

Mis-en-scene - The Unseen Case

Emmanuel is the actual patient the reporter is supposed to interview, but due to the psychological twist the reporter fails to interview her and is haunted by 'Nina Ward' (who is played by Marnie) the antagonist. We used dark eye shadow to out line her eyes and make her look as though she has been deprived of sleep and to emphasize the look that shes ill. 
Our antagonist is 'Nina Ward' whom will be played by Marnie. She is the unseen patient that plays mind games on the reporter. In order to make our mis-en-scene come to life we asked a professional makeup artist (Nellie Stevenson) to create a burn on Marnies face that will allow the audience to feel the full effect of the sequence. By darkening the outline of her bones Nellie was able to make Marnie look anorexic and ill. This is an effect that we thought was good and would fit in well with Marnies character. We decided the profile picture that would go into the case file should have the effect that was subtle to portay the image that she is healing and getting better by using the appropriate makeup, but when filming the final sequence we have decided to make the burn more explicit and painful in order to portray a distressing image that will fit in with our rating and genre.
This was the final result of the makeup Nellie did on Marnie. The negative image of making her look anorexic and giving her a burn on her face that appears to be healing has a good effect and contrasts nicely with the final sequence.
This is a collage that we put together of all the pictures we took on the first ever attempt of our production, and on our mis-en-scene for the film, Nellie worked incredibly hard on the healing burn and the anorexic look on Marnie allowing us to get an explicit image of Marnie, and to get the full effect of making our character look like an ill mental patient.

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