Monday 4 March 2013

Make-up/costumes ideas


For the main character in the film, we decided that when she first appears in the production that it will be surprise, so by doing her make-up to make her look sinister would make the mood of the surprise even more scary. This is also because throughtout the opening sequence there wont be many facial shots of her, they will mostly be of the back of her head where you will only see her hair, that is all messy and clearly in bad condition.

We came up with this idea as in nearly all thrillers you have a sinister twist to certain characters, or if for instance with our character they only show up by surprise then instead of making them look normal we would try and emphasise the look of there face to try make the audience almost jump off there seats, not just from the surprise factor but also the depth of makeup effects on her face.

For insperation we look at many different films where you have the classical girl in a white gown and long, messy hair and there were alot of options that we could pick from. For example...

We got loads of ideas from all of there characters but the main characters hair and make-up we wanted to focus on was 'samara' from 'THE RING'. Her make-up is always emphasised to look scarred and dirty so we wanted to do something similar so our charcter gives the audience the extra bit of fright!!


As mentioned earlier, the costumes will be a pretty simple white gown to give the classic thriller, horror movie feeling. We will probably make it dirty and abit tatty to show that its old and worn out from the character but the main idea is to keep it simple so that it doesnt take away too much of the audiences attention. We are hoping to get a gown from the hospital to make the whole asylum effect more realistic.
Here are some images that we came up with that would go well with the ideas that we have come up....

Hopefully we manage to get the look for our character that we want and that we able to creat the sinister asylum charcter but still make it realistic enough to make the audience get chills down there spine.

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