Wednesday 13 March 2013

Camerawork For Thriller Movies

The most common shot types used in thriller films are close ups and longs shots. For example, in The Watcher a long shot was used at the beginning of the film when the audience saw the SWAT team walking towards the door. This shows the audience where the action is taking place and creates suspense. There was a close up used at the beginning of the antagonist dancing with a gun in his hand. This leaves the audience puzzled because they’re unsure about the situation at hand, it leaves them asking questions like “what has he done?”. Tilt shots and Pan shots are also common in thriller openings to lay emphasises on the action taking place at a particular moment in time. For example, there was a tilt shot used to show the audience a building and it was followed by a pan shot of several police vehicles speeding towards the same location. High angle shots are used in thriller films to focus on a particular subject and this creates a dramatic feeling if there is someone at a higher level that can seethe characters below. An example of this would be when the helicopters were flying over the sea and the audience could see police vehicle patrol. However, low angle shots are used to show people who are below and may not necessarily the main character. For example, there was a low angle shot used to show the SWAT team when they were about to break into the room.

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